No Excuses

Infused in my core, my being, my very essence. Entwined in my every move, every choice. They have become my go-to instinct and illusory shield. Nothing can touch me as long as they are woven believably enough into the fabric of reality. They whisper encouragement, wedging between myself and my better judgment, allowing for indulgence … Continue reading No Excuses

Word of the Day: Dipsomania

As dry as the Arabian desert, not a drop to be found. His nose was quite fond of a fine bouquet, but had thirsted for far too long. Days had passed with no respite, not a single note or even a dirge - an ode to the dipsomaniac. Trudging through the barren wastes, he began … Continue reading Word of the Day: Dipsomania

Word of the Day: Complaisant

Comfort in methodical routines. Living each day by rote. Thoughtless actions on autopilot per prescribed directives. No responsibilities beyond the predictable scope. Until one day there’s a mental snag. Is this all there is? What if...? What if...? Is this complacency truly a sanctuary, or is it a prison dressed in the trappings of familiar … Continue reading Word of the Day: Complaisant